Følgende fastsætter de generelle forretningsbetingelser, herefter kaldet vilkår, der gælder i aftaleforholdet mellem FIXRR.dk og dig som bruger af www.FIXRR.dk. FIXRR.dk er en peer-to-peer platform, der forbinder arbejdsgiver og arbejdstager med hinanden med henblik på at få udført rengøring og lettere håndværk i hjemmet.
Arbejdstager der udfører rengøring el. lettere håndværk via FIXRR.dk, er herefter benævnt ”FIXRR’s”, mens modtageren af rengøringstjenesten herefter er benævnt ”kunden”. FIXRR’s og kunder benævnes sammen som ”brugere”. FIXRR.dk er under ingen omstændigheder en arbejdsgiver og fralægger sig derfor ethvert ansvar der måtte pålægges en arbejdsgiver. FIXRR.dk stiller en platform til rådighed hvor FIXRR’s og kunden opretter en bruger og derefter internt aftaler services og vilkår.
Ved brug af FIXRR.dk, dets tjenester og værktøjer, accepterer du de til enhver tid gældende Vilkår og de generelle principper, der gælder for anvendelsen af hjemmesider mv. ejet af vores datterselskaber og partnere. Aftalen træder i kraft i forbindelse med brugerens oprettelse af en brugerkonto på FIXRR.dk. Aftalen kan løbende ændres i det omfang, det fremgår af Vilkår.
FIXRR.dk stiller en online platform til rådighed for at facilitere kontakten mellem personer, der udfører og efterspørger rengøring og lettere håndværksmæssigt arbejde i hjemmet eller fritidshuse.
Når du tager FIXRR.dk i brug, skal du gennemgå og godkende Vilkårene. Du skal ligeledes åbne og gennemgå eventuelle dokumenter, der linkes til i Vilkårene eller andet sted i forbindelse med oprettelsen af en brugerkonto, da du ved din ibrugtagning af FIXRR.dk bekræfter og accepterer de gældende forretningsbetingelser og vilkår, der finder anvendelse i relation til FIXRR.dk
FIXRR.dk samarbejder med betalingssystemet Stripe, der garanterer dig en sikker håndtering af dine penge. Det aftalte beløb trækkes fra din konto, når du og/eller en vores FIXRR’s har godkendt en udbudt arbejdsopgave. Så snart kunden har bekræftet, at arbejdsopgaven lever op til forventningerne, modtager Stripe en notifikation og pengene sættes i kø til udbetaling. Stripe udbetaler penge til FIXRR’s hver 7. dag. Hvis en arbejdsopgave imod forventning, ikke lever op til kundens forventning kan vedkommende.
oprette en indsigelse, som ’dispute’, hvilket her efter refereres til som en tvist. Hvis kunde og FIXRR’eren ikke internt kan afklare tvisten kan kunde eller FIXXR’eren tage kontakt til FIXRR.dk’s support, som derved kan beslutte hvordan tvisten skal afklares. Her lægges især vægt på processens forløb og beløbet vil tilfalde enten kunde eller FIXRR’eren.
Du kan betale med Dankort, Visa Dankort, eDankort, MasterCard, Visa og de fleste andre udenlandske kreditkort på FIXRR.dk.
Når du betaler med Dankort, Visa Dankort, eDankort, MasterCard og Visa reserverer vi beløbet på dit kort, når du gennemfører en bestilling med kortet. Beløbet trækkes først fra din konto, den dag servicen bliver udført og godkendt af dig som kunden.
FIXRR’s og kunden indgår aftale om de udbudte tjenesteydelser direkte med hinanden. FIXRR.dk får på intet tidspunkt adgang til dine personlige bankoplysninger.
Når der hæves penge på dit kort vil du straks kunne se dette på din bankkonto.
Hvis du får nyt betalingskort, skal du registrere det på din brugerkonto, som du finder under dit kontrolpanel.
En kunde kan altid vælge at afbestille en aftalt arbejdsopgave. Som FIXRR kan man vælge at tillade afbestilling henholdsvis 12, 24 eller 36 timer før tidspunktet for en aftalt arbejdsopgave. Afbestilling efter udløbet af en fastsat afbestillingsfrist kan gøres betinget af betaling af et afbestillingsgebyr. En FIXRR kan vælge at frafalde et krav på afbestillingsgebyr, eksempelvis hvis der aftales et nyt tidspunkt for rengøringen.
For at du kan anvende FIXRR.dk, har vi brug for følgende oplysninger: Navn, Adresse, Telefonnummer og e-mailadresse.
We register this information with the aim of being able to deliver the offered services to you via FIXRR.dk. The personal information is registered with FIXRR.dk and stored for five years, after which the information is deleted. When personal data is collected via our website, we ensure that it always happens with your express consent, so that you are informed about exactly what information is being collected and why.
The management and employees at FIXRR.dk have access to the information registered about you. The data controller at FIXRR.dk is Artify IVS. We do not store customer information encrypted. We do not transmit customer information encrypted.
As registered with FIXRR.dk, you always have the right to object to the registration. You also have the right to access what information is recorded about you. You have these rights according to the Personal Data Act and inquiries in connection with this should be directed to FIXRR.dk via e-mail kontakt@fixrr.dk.
We do not sell, rent or otherwise share your personal information with third parties for marketing purposes without your consent. We use your information only as described in the ‘Personal Data Policy’ section. We regard the protection of our users’ privacy as an important basic principle. You can access and change the information you have provided to us at any time, and you can opt out of receiving certain types of communications from us.
FIXRR.dk reserves the right to continuously make changes to the Terms and Conditions. At FIXRR.dk you will always find the latest version of the Terms and Conditions. Changes to the Terms are published on FIXRR.dk. The amended version of the Terms will become effective on the date specified on the website. Your continued use of FIXRR.dk constitutes your approval and acceptance of the new terms of business.
For all purchases and payments, fees or expenses associated with a service, FIXRR.dk will debit your Dankort or credit card according to the amount agreed between a FIRR and the customer. By using FIXRR.dk, you authorize FIXRR.dk to debit your payment card for such amounts. No refunds or credits will be given when FIXRR.dk services have been booked on a customer’s payment card unless FIXRR.dk in its sole discretion justifies refunds or credits for extenuating circumstances.
At FIXRR.dk we will endeavor to ensure the security of all credit cards and all other personal information, however we disclaim any responsibility for damages that may result from information being released to third parties. You agree with these Business Terms and Conditions to indemnify FIXRR.dk for any damages that may arise as a result. FIXRR.dk will use third-party services to process credit card information. For further information about this service, contact kontakt@fixrr.dk and request information about FIXRR.dk’s credit card and payment providers.
FIXRR.dk wants to ensure the correct functioning of our websites and offered services as well as to give users security when using them. Should you observe
problems, offensive content or violation of our policies, please contact us at kontakt@fixrr.dk.
Regardless of any other countermeasures, we reserve the right to limit, suspend or terminate our service and user accounts, prohibit access to our sites and their content, services and tools, delay or remove hosted content and take technical and legal measures to keep users away from our sites if we suspect that these users are causing problems or potential claims, are infringing third-party intellectual property rights, or violating the letter or spirit of our policies. In addition, we reserve the right to terminate unverified user accounts or accounts that have been inactive within a certain period of time, as well as the right to change or discontinue FIXRR.dk, including services and tools.
If, contrary to expectations, you are not satisfied with the services purchased at FIXRR.dk, you can contact kontakt@fixrr.dk. You must give FIXRR.dk notification and photo documentation of this within 24 hours after the service has been delivered, otherwise you lose the right to claim any defects.
As a FIXRR, you are responsible for the ordered task being carried out satisfactorily. If, contrary to expectations, this is not the case, and the FIXRR and the customer do not succeed in finding a satisfactory solution, FIXRR.dk will ensure that the dispute is resolved. FIXRR.dk is under no circumstances responsible for FIXRR’s possible breach of its obligations towards the customer.
A FIXRR and customer are liable according to the general rules of Danish law.
FIXRR.dk is responsible according to the general rules of Danish law with the limitations and disclaimers of liability set out in these Terms. FIXRR.dk is not responsible for indirect losses or consequential damages that the customer, the FIXRR or a third party may suffer in connection with the use of FIXRR.dk, including in the event of a lack of access to FIXRR.dk as a result of IT problems or implementation of updates etc. Indirect losses and consequential damages include loss of business opportunity, loss of profit, loss of goodwill and loss of data.
FIXRR.dk’s total liability in any dispute is also limited to an amount corresponding to a total of DKK 15,000.
It is a decisive condition for the use of FIXRR.dk that you answer the tax you are obliged to, as FIXRR. You can read more about the rules for tax payment via this link: https://www.skat.dk/SKAT.aspx?oId=2234739.
In case of violation of the tax regulations, FIXRR.dk can unilaterally decide to close a user account and prohibit any future use of FIXRR.dk. FIXRR.dk is not responsible for FIXRR’s and customers’ payment of tax, use of tax deductions, etc.
If a provision in the Terms should prove to be invalid or otherwise unenforceable, this provision in the Terms will be deleted, while the remaining provisions will still apply.
The agreement, including these Terms, is subject to Danish law. All transactions between FIXRR.dk and its users, including the use of FIXRR.dk, are considered to be conducted in Denmark. All contracts are concluded in Danish. Any dispute must be settled by the Danish courts.
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